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Picture of Cemre Candemir
Moodle'a kayıt hakkında
by Cemre Candemir - Friday, 1 April 2022, 2:25 PM


Tüm öğrenciler moodle sistemine giriş için kullanıcı adı ve şifrelerini i Araş. Gör. Dr. Cemre Candemir'den alabilirler. Derslere kayıt için ilgili dersin asistanı ile iletişime geçiniz.

(Edited by Sinem Getir Yaman - original submission Monday, 2 March 2020, 3:01 PM)

(Edited by Sinem Getir Yaman - original submission Tuesday, 24 November 2020, 2:24 PM)


Available courses

Aim of this course is to introduce basic principles of computer architecture, to comprehend organization and design of computer architecture, to comprehend structure and behavior of various functional modules of computers, such as sequential circuits, registers, counters, memories, PLAs and caches, to comprehend interactions of these functional modules for satisfying user needs.

The aim of this course is to introduce the theory and implementation of operating system concepts with emphasis on concepts on sample operating systems like Unix, Linux, Windows, Android and show how the sharing resources.

The objectives of the course are to teach students about computer networks and about solutions developed against network flow, error and congestion control; to teach students to analyze network routing algorithms and to enable students to design network communication protocol.

Bilimsel araştırma sürecinde izlenecek adımlar ve yöntemlerin anlatılması: bu süreçte etiksel açıdan dikkat edilmesi gereken konuların anlaşılması.

The aim of this course is to introduce probability theory and statistics to comprehend statistical inferences and probability models which are most commonly used in computer science.

Objectives of this course include providing students with the understanding of current trends in communication protocols and providing them information about socket programming, inter-process communications, and network research.

Bu dersin amacı; öğrencilere uzman sistemlerin Yapay Zeka (YZ) alanındaki yeri ve uygulamaları hakkında geniş bilgi vermek ve uzman sistemleri geleneksel programlamadan ayıran özelliklerin anlaşılmasını sağlamaktır. Dersin sonunda öğrencilerden uzman sistemler oluşturmak için gerekli teknikler ve araçlar hakkında bilgi sahibi olmaları beklenmektedir.

Aim of this course is to introduce techniques such as modeling, representation, illumination, shadowing, rendering and texturing which are used in two dimensional and three dimensional computer graphics, to comprehend advanced software tools, to comprehend state of the art advances in computer graphics and game programming.

Dersin hedefi makine ogrenmesinde kullanilabilecek temel yontemlerin incelenmesi ve uygulanmasidir. 

Ders materyaline asagidaki web sayfasindan erisilebilir.

The objectives of the course are to teach students about basic principles of wireless and mobile networks; to teach students about multimedia system components and to enable students to manage a computer network system by considering security, infrastructure and related protocol requirements.

In this course it is intended to give the students broad understanding of the impact of computerized information systems on the organizations and society. The student  are expected to have knowledge on methods of retrieving, organizing, distributing, using and maintaining information at the end of the course.

Students are encouraged to bring their own knowledge and experiences to discussion media (class, chatroom, bulletin board). 

 Projects and reading assignments will be given to make students aware of the complexity of computerized information systems and challenges awaiting information system department (ISD) personnel.   

Ders BGG sistemlerinin geliştirilmesi ve değerlendirmesine ilişkin yöntemler konusundadır. 

The content of this course focuses on Software V&V, Large Scale Software Engineering, Introduction to Embedded and IoT software, Research Methodologies in Software Engineering, Software Version Control and Refactoring, Systematic Review and SLR.

Aim of this course is to introduce techniques such as modeling, representation, illumination, shadowing, rendering and texturing which are used in two dimensional and three dimensional computer graphics, to comprehend advanced software tools, to comprehend state of the art advances in computer graphics.

This course aims to study approximation algorithm design and analysis and will especially cover graph theory and related problems.

Dersin hedefi öğrencilerin doğal dil işleme (DDİ) alanındaki temel kavramları anlamasını ve güncel araştırmalar konusunda fikir sahibi olmalarını sağlamaktır. Dersi başarıyla tamamlayan öğrencilerin dil bilgisini işleyen algoritmaları gerçekleyebilmeleri, ve dillerin hesaplama özelliklerini kullanarak  yeni yöntemler geliştirebilmeleri beklenmektedir.